CH 714.4950.8538.2
24.08.1999 – 29.11.2007
HO 91.5% SI 8.5%
Johnny Depp’s father was born on 24.08.1999 at Middes (Switzerland/Fribourg) at Damien Schrago’s.
BLITZ-ET was the product of genetics, but fodder and breeding were also determinant.
He was the 2nd Red Holstein bull, after Dominator, used in the 2007/8 exercise (doses sold on the Swiss market).
BLITZ-ET had an abscess in his back and couldn’t mount.
On 30.10.2007, he was transported to the ruminants’ clinic (Wiederkäuerklinik Tierspital) in Bern to walk in a swimming pool.
He was euthanized on 29.11.2007 at the age of 8.
His meat could not be eaten as there were too many medicaments in it.
On 18.10.2018 he had 11,779 descendants.