Genuine skin
13th October 2008
Swissgenetics informed me:
“The date of the slaughter of JOHNNY DEPP CH120.0426.50.43.0 born on 18.01.2007 will take place on Friday 17.10.2008. Mr Ernst Zöbel of Carnex AG has been informed. Abattoir address: Marmy SA; 1470 Estavayer-le-Lac.”
Carnex AG bill 100 Swiss francs
The hide collected by Centavo AG was covered with salt to avoid hair loss.
Centravo AG bill
37 kg x 3.10 =114.10 CHF
The hide was tanned by Neuenschwander, precisely to produce chamois leather. (1)
Neuenschwander and Sons SA bill
1,91 m2 x 1.40 = 267.40 CHF
7 months later, on 12th May 2009, Johnny Depp’s hide was taken from Neuenschwander to Sierre.
(1) with hair conserved