Mammary system
“The mammary system corresponding to the milk bag or reservoir inside the animal, and which is always in an admirable relationship with these cowlicks. In such a way it can always be decided without risking an error that if the mammary system is large, the milk reservoir is large and consequently the production is abundant, that if, on the contrary, the system is small, the reservoir is small and the product is inferior.”
Traité des vaches laitières*, par François Guénon, Bordeaux. 1838
“There are ten parts: they extend, following their class, from the centre of four teats to the level of the upper extremity of the vulva, and are susceptible to enlarge from the middle of the rear surface of one of the two thighs up to the middle of the rear surface of the other.”
Traité des vaches laitières*, par François Guénon, Paris. Imprimerie nationale. 1851
*Milking of the dairy cows